

The BestLife supplement is dedicated to virtually every person who wants to take care of their health inside and out, thanks to the high content of compounds with antioxidant and anti-ageing properties. In addition, supplementation with this product will also benefit people struggling with chronic fatigue, working at the computer, working physically, doing strength training and more, and also people with numerous inflammations negatively affecting everyday functioning.

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The effect of the BestLife supplement:

The BestLife supplement is dedicated to virtually every person who wants to take care of their health inside and out, thanks to the high content of compounds with antioxidant and anti-ageing properties.

In addition, supplementation with this product will also benefit people struggling with chronic fatigue, working at the computer, working physically, doing strength training and more, and also people with numerous inflammations negatively affecting everyday functioning.

“BestLife is a unique combination of ingredients which are much needed by our mitochondria for healthy and effective functioning. According to mitochondrial medicine, “by treating one mitochondria, we heal all mitochondria” – and they are what determines the quality of our health and vitality.
The combination of magnesium, coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine and PQQ works as an energy fuel for the most important processes in our bodies. Moreover, the addition of wheat germ extract, standardised for spermidine, will have a sensational effect on the autophagy processes that guard the regeneration of our DNA.
Over time, the amount of spermidine produced by our body gradually decreases, which is why its regular supplementation is recommended for anyone who wants to take care of their health and live a long life in full strength.”

In the interests of the highest quality and safety of our supplements, and above all with your health in mind, we test our products in an independent, accredited research laboratory J.S. Hamilton. Microbiological test, clean from heavy metals, no gluten.

The human body is able to function daily thanks to the constant production of ATP energy.

This process is called cellular respiration and is carried out by the presence of mitochondria – small cell organelles in which one of the most important metabolic processes in the human body takes place. The ability to produce the right amount of ATP is a factor that shapes virtually all processes taking place in our body.

Often, when this energy is lacking, the body becomes ineffective on many levels. Numerous diseases can disrupt the work of the mitochondria, which is referred to as mitochondriopathy. In such inflammations located within the mitochondria, there is often a shortage of individual components which are key elements responsible for the effective process of energy production.

Unfortunately, mitochondriopathies are often accompanied by fatigue, decreased well-being, gastrointestinal symptoms, susceptibility to infections, and decreased muscle strength. Symptoms tend to differ depending on which part of the body is inflamed and where the greater percentage of damaged mitochondria is located. This type of disorder gave rise to a new field that studies the causes of these problems – mitochondrial medicine. As it turns out, you can help yourself by using a combination of ingredients necessary for the smooth functioning of mitochondria. A good solution is also the use of comprehensive preventative supplements in order to protect the mitochondria.

This is why BestLife was developed! BestLife is a dietary supplement containing all the necessary active ingredients that are co-factors of biochemical reactions in the mitochondrial tissue. In other words, they contribute to the continued support of the mitochondria in the process of producing ATP energy. BestLife is a solution for better well-being, incredible clarity of mind, maintaining health at a high level, and at the same time increasing the efficiency of the nervous system. BestLife and other BestLab supplements are an investment in long-term health, better well-being and everyday comfort.

Find out more about the active ingredients in the BestLife supplement:

Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most important chemical compounds that should not be in short supply in the body. Its main role is to provide energy to every cell in the body. Moreover, it neutralises free radicals, delaying the ageing of the body. Coenzyme Q10 belongs to the group of co-factors that determine the activity of some enzymes. Thanks to its properties, Q10 allows the production of ATP molecules, which in turn enables the production of as much as 95% of the total energy that affects the proper functioning of the body. The main property of Q10 is to ensure adequate energy production in the mitochondrion of each cell. It is also necessary for the proper functioning of tissues and the most important internal organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver. Coenzyme Q10 plays a very important role, which is why it is so important to take its natural and reduced form, i.e., ubiquinol – which is included in the BestLife supplement in a maximum dose of 100 mg per day.

PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone) is one of the strongest antioxidants known to modern science. PQQ triggers mitochondrial biogenesis, i.e., it causes the growth of new mitochondria in ageing cells. It supports the operation of the nervous system and its cognitive functions, has a positive effect on mental health and prevents neurodegenerative changes. Modern science often indicates that the life expectancy of the mitochondria determines the overall longevity of the organism, and that mitochondrial dysfunctions are considered the leading denominator of ageing. Unfortunately, the human body is not able to synthesise PQQ, which means that this microelement must be supplied with food or in the form of dietary supplements.

Polyamine spermidine is an organic chemical compound belonging to a specific group of substances that regulate growth, development and metabolism at the molecular level of cells. Polyamines are found in the cell wall, mitochondria and the cell nucleus, enabling the proper course of physiological and metabolic processes and maintaining cell viability. In addition, spermidine participates in the process of autophagy (natural cell recycling). Spermidine slows down many ageing processes and reduces the number of free radicals; the latest scientific reports show its effect on prolonging human life.

N-acetyl-L-carnitine i.e., the acetylated form of L-carnitine. It is much more effective than L-carnitine, because in this form it can overcome the blood-brain barrier, thus increasing the scope of influence on the structure and functioning of nerve cells. One of the key activities of L-carnitine is its role in lipid metabolism, transporting long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they undergo oxidation and generate the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the body’s cells.

Magnesium (in the form of taurate) – is a form of magnesium that efficiently crosses the blood-brain barrier and is responsible for direct support of the body at the cellular level and within the nervous system. It also supports muscle regeneration and electrolyte balance, reduces the symptoms of fatigue, supports concentration and other cognitive functions, reduces the level of stress and contributes to maintaining the proper functioning of the body in psycho-physical terms.

The innovative mixture of active ingredients contained in the BestLife supplement is an investment in health at the cellular level, securing the body in terms of constant supplies of necessary energy, improving well-being and motivation, and supporting daily prevention in many instances of inflammation.


Recommended consumption: 2 capsules daily with a meal. Drink with water.

We recommend daily supplementation, possibly as support before training / physical exertion. In the non-training variant, we recommend using it in the first part of the day, or until the early afternoon (2 p.m. – 3 p.m.) due to the stimulating nature of CoQ10 and PQQ as antioxidants. At the time of pre-training supplementation, the time of administration is less important, because the effort will “use up” antioxidants and everything will be used up, so there should be no problems with insomnia.

Storage: at room temperature, in a dry place, out of the reach of small children. Protect from moisture and light.

Precautions: do not exceed the recommended daily dose. A balanced diet and a proper lifestyle are important for the functioning of the human body. A dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before using the product.


Ingredients: Amount per recommended daily intake (2 capsules): % DRI*
N-acetyl L-carnitine 500 mg
Magnesium taurate, including:
300 mg
24 mg
6,4 %
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol) 100 mg
Wheat germ extract standardized to:
1% spermidine
100 mg
1 mg
PQQ 20 mg
* Dietary Reference Intake

Contents of the package: 60 capsules.

Ingredients: N-acetyl-L-carnitine, Magnesium (magnesium taurate), capsule shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol), Wheat germ extract, PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt).


Where are BestLab dietary supplements produced?

All BestLab dietary supplements are produced in Poland, while the ingredients we use come from all over the world.

How to use the BestLife dietary supplement?

Systematic supplementation brings the best results, so take 2 capsules daily after a meal. An alternative for people who train is to use it as a possible support before training/physical effort. In the non-training situations, we recommend using it in the first part of the day, or before the early afternoon (2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.) due to the stimulating nature of CoQ10 and PQQ as antioxidants. In cases of pre-training supplementation, the timing is less important, because the physical exertion will ‘spend’ the antioxidants and everything will be used up, so there should be no problems with sleeping.

Can the BestLife dietary supplement be given to children?

The BestLife dietary supplement has been designed for adults.

Does the BestLife dietary supplement contain gluten?

Yes. The formula of the preparation includes wheat germ extract standardised to spermidine. The product may not be used by pets.

Does the BestLife dietary supplement contain lactose?

No, all BestLab products are lactose free.

Does the BestLife dietary supplement contain genetically modified substances?

No. Each of the BestLab products is GMO-free in accordance with EU regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003.

Does the BestLife dietary supplement contain substances of animal origin?

No, the BestLife dietary supplement does not contain ingredients of animal origin and meets the conditions of a 100% vegan product.

Can I combine the BestLife dietary supplement with other BestLab supplements?

Yes. When composing the formulas of our supplements, we selected the ingredients and doses in such a way that they can be combined with each other.

Are any tests necessary before supplementing BestLife?

Preventative testing of your body is always a good idea, but there is no requirement to perform tests before supplementation.

What are the contraindications to the use of the BestLife dietary supplement?

BestLife supplement should not be used in cases of wheat allergy.

How long does one package of the BestLife dietary supplement last?

One package contains 60 capsules. We recommend using 2 capsules a day, so one package is enough for 30 days.

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